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Pros. = Prosecutor
Misc. = Misconduct
C/S Effect = Effect on the Conviction and/or Sentence
UKN = Unknown

Case Number
CrimeStatePros. First NamePros. Last NameFederalTrial YearBodyOpinionFinding YearMisconduct TypeC/S EffectPros. Misc. ReportedSanctionsSanction TypeDate Published
1United States v. Brodie, 268...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtThe District Court declared a...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
2United States v. Liburd, 607...Drug crimesALEverardPotterYes2008Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2010TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
3United States v. McAleer, 138...Non-violent, otherWYDavidKubichekYes1997Trial courtConvictions were thrown out...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
4United States v. Burke, 571...Drug crimesWYKennethMarkenYes2007Appeals courtProsecution failed to...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
5United States v.McGee, 612...Non-violent, otherWIMichelleJacobsYes2008Appeals courtCourt of Appeals criticized...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
6United States v. Gibson, 328...Drug crimesWIUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtDistrict Court partially...2009PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 18, 15
8United States v....Non-violent, otherWAUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtCourt of Appeals held that...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
9United States v. Jiles, No....AssaultVAUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtThe prosecution failed to...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
10United States v. Chamberlain,...Drug crimesVAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtFBI agent falsified a report...2000PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
11United States v. Joyner...Non-violent, otherVAUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtDistrict Court ordered an...1997PT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
12United States v. Golding, 168...Non-violent, otherVAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit threw out...1999TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
13United States v. Aderoju, No....Drug crimesVAUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2006PT: Brady
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
14United States v. Hodge, 412...MurderALUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2005PT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
15United States v....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtFifth Circuit Court found...1999TR: InadmissibleBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
16United States v. Gutierrez,...Sex crimesTXBillBaumannYes2006Trial courtThe District Court granted a...2007PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
17United States v. Wilson, 289...Non-violent, otherTXLawrenceBarcellaYesUKNTrial courtThe District Court vacated...2003PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
TR: Brady
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
18United States v. Valencia,...Non-violent, otherTXUKNLewisYes2003Appeals courtProsecutor improperly read in...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
19United States v. Sipe, 388...AssaultTXUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtThe Fifth Circuit Court of...2004PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
New trialUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
20United States v. Ramming, 915...Non-violent, otherTXJuliaHymanYes1994Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed a...UKNPT: Brady
PT: Charging
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
21United States v. Mauskar, 557...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecution failed to...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
22United States v. Gracia, 522...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Circuit Court of...UKNTR: VouchingBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
23United States v. Dollar, 25...Non-violent, otherALG. DouglasJonesYes1997Trial court"From the outset of this...1998PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
24United States v. Hands, 184...Drug crimesALUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNOtherMar 30, 14
25United States v. Braunstein,...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2002PT: ChargingPre-trial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
26United States v. Shaver, 607...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutors failed to inform...2008PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
27United States v. Stevens, No....Non-violent, otherDCWilliamWelch IIYes2008Trial courtThe D.C. District Court...2009PT: BradyDismissalYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
28United States v. Childs, 447...Drug crimesILBradleyMurphyYes2004Appeals courtProsecutors...2006PT: BradyNo effectYesYesSuspensionFeb 17, 14
29United States v. Milles, 363...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes2008Appeals courtThe prosecutor provided his...2010PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
30United States v. Sykes, 897...MurderDCUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtProsecution had delayed...2006PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
31United States v. Farinella,...Non-violent, otherILJulietSorensonYes2006Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2009TR: ImpugningDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
32United States v. Locke, No....Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtProsecution dismissed its...1999PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
33United States v. Simpson, 479...Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe 7th Circuit Court of...2007TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
34United States v. Cheska, 202...Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2000PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
35United States v. Sanchez, No....Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
36United States v. Dicus, 579...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtThe prosecution breached the...2008PT: PleaReduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
37United States v....Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor "crossed the...2000TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
38United States v. Fink, No. CR...Non-violent, otherIAUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtProsecutor, in his closing...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
39United States v. Mansker, 240...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution withheld...UKNPT: BradyNo effectYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
40United States v. Crusoe, 282...Drug crimesIACharlesWilliamsYes2005Trial courtThe District Court granted a...2006PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
41United States v. Friedlander,...Sex crimesFLUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2009TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
42United States v. Wilson, 149...Drug crimesFLUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1998PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
43United States v. Lyons, 726...Drug crimesFLBruceHinshelwoodYes2001Trial courtThe prosecutor withheld...2004PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
44United States v. Sterba, 22...Sex crimesFLKaren SchmidCoxYes1998Trial courtProsecutor was eventually...1998PT: BradyDismissalYesYesSuspensionFeb 17, 14
45United States v. Sigma...Non-violent, otherFLMichaelRubinsteinYes1995Appeals courtThe Circuit Court reversed...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
46United States v. Adkinson,...Non-violent, otherFLUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1998TR: MisstatingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
47United States v. Beeks, 266...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtDefendant was granted a new...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Inadmissible
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
48United States v. Morris, 498...Drug crimesINRobertTrgovichYes2003Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2007PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
49United States v. Goldfarb,...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtDistrict Court ordered a new...2008PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
New trialNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
50United States v. Ferrara, 456...Non-violent, otherMAJeffreyAuerhahnYes1990Trial court"The sad fact is that...2006PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceYesYesOtherFeb 10, 14
51United States v. Claro, 579...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYes2005Trial courtDistrict court dismissed...2005PT: Brady
PT: Charging
DismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
52United States v. Williamson,...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtFifth Circuit Court of...2008Pre-Trial -- OtherVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
53United States v....Non-violent, otherALDinaAvila-JimenezYesUKNTrial courtProsecutor failed to locate...2007PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
54United States v. Gonzalez,...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtAs part of the...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
55United States v. White, 58...Drug crimesTNUKNUKNYes1994Appeals courtSixth Circuit of Appeals held...2003TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
56Schledwitz v. United States,...Non-violent, otherTNUKNUKNYes1992Appeals courtSixth Circuit Court of...1999PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
57United States v. Carter, 236...Violent, otherTNUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtThe Sixth Circuit Court of...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
58United States v. Stanford,...Drug crimesSDUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtDistrict court granted new...2008PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
59United States v. Kelly, 222...Drug crimesSDUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtEighth Circuit Court of...2000TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
60United States v. Curry, 328...Sex crimesSDUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtDefendant received a new...UKNPT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
61United States v....MurderALUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtThe prosecution was required...UKNPT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
62United States v. Rodriguez,...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtProsecution told the jury the...2001TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
63United States v....Non-violent, otherALGuillermoGilYesUKNTrial courtProsecution brought charges...UKNTR: OtherDismissalYesUKNUKNJan 30, 14
64United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtProsecution made improper...UKNTR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
65United States v....MurderALUKNUKNYes2003Trial courtDistrict Court ruled that...2003PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
66United States v. Fernandez,...Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
67United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...2008PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
68United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtDefendant received a new...2009TR: InflammatoryVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
69United States v. Abbott, 241...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtDefendant was allowed to...2001PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
70United States v. Risha, 445...Violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtDefendant received a new...UKNPT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
71United States v. Morena, 547...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtDefendant got a new trial due...2008TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
72United States v. Korey, 472...MurderPAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDefendant was acquitted of...2009PT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
73United States v. Archibald,...Drug crimesPAUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court declared...2003PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
74United States v. Moore, 375...Violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
75United States v. Hammer, 404...MurderPAUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtGovernment withheld evidence...2005PT: Brady
TR: Brady
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
76United States v. Zomber, 299...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtGovernment failed to turnover...2008PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
77United States v. McLaughlin,...Non-violent, otherPAMaureenBardenYes1996Trial courtThe government failed to...UKNPT: Brady
PT: Perjury
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
78United States v. Mastrangelo,...Drug crimesPAUKNHowardYes1994Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...UKNTR: MischaracterizingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
79United States v. Ford, 618 F....Drug crimesPAJosephMcGettiganYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court granted...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
80United States v....Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
81United States v. Strode, 229...Violent, otherORFredricWeinhouseYes1998Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
82United States v. Price, 566...Non-violent, otherORUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
83United States v. Danielson,...Non-violent, otherORJeffreyKentYes2000Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2003Pre-Trial -- OtherRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
84United States v. Vaughn, 248...Non-violent, otherOHUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtThe Sixth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
85United States v. Garner, 507...Violent, otherOHUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtProsecution did not turn over...2007PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
86In re Grand Jury Subpoena,...Non-violent, otherNCMarkWinstonYesUKNTrial courtFederal investigators held a...1999Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
87United States v. Cargill, 17...Drug crimesNCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit Court of...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
88United States v. Wilson, 135...Drug crimesNCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
89United States v. Thomas, 239...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtProsecution had obtained...2001PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
90United States v. Griffin, 510...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe Second Circuit Court of...2007PT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
91United States v. Wang, No. 98...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes1999Trial courtProsecution delayed...UKNPT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
92United States v. Stein, 435...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtThe District Court dismissed...2006Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
93United States v. LaSpina, 299...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution failed to...2004PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
94United States v. Rivera, 25...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtProsecution requested and...1998Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
95United States v. Rivas, 377...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtSecond Circuit Court of...2004PT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
96United States v. Cardoso, 642...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court ruled that the...2009PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
97Perez v. United States, 502...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court vacated...2006PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
98United States v. Peterson,...Violent, otherNYPaulSilverYes1998Trial courtProsecution witheld...2000PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
99United States v. Palladino,...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecution sought a higher...2003PT: PleaVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
100United States v. Gil, 297...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtIn a mail fraud case, the...2002PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
101United States v. Farmer, 583...MurderNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtAttempted murder conviction...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
102United States v. Torres, 182...Drug crimesNMUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtTenth Circuit Court of...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
103United States v. Gonzales,...MurderNMThomasEnglishYes1995Appeals courtProsecutor committed...UKNPT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
No effectYesNoUKNFeb 4, 14
104United States v. Cachucha,...Violent, otherNMUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe prosecution had reached a...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
105United States v. Williams,...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
106United States v....Non-violent, otherNVDarinLaHoodYes2003Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2005TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
107United States v. Green, 119...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe prosecutor...2004TR: VouchingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
108United States v....Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDefendant, a Latino, received...2005Pre-Trial -- OtherRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
109United States v. Chapman, 524...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtThe District Court threw out...2006PT: Brady
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
110United States v. Blanco, 392...Drug crimesNVUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtGovernment refused to turn...2006PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
111United States v. Yah, 500...Non-violent, otherNEUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtProsecution violated the...2007PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
112United States v. Johnson, 241...Drug crimesMTUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtDefendant reached a deal...2001PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
113United States v. Barraza...Drug crimesNEUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe government failed to...2006PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
114United States v. W.R. Grace,...Non-violent, otherMTUKNUKNYes2005Trial courtGovernment "failed in...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
115United States v. Sanchez, 176...Non-violent, otherMTUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
116United States v. Alanis, 335...Sex crimesMTUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe government used all of...2003TR: OtherReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
117United States v. Holmes, 413...Non-violent, otherMOUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtEighth Circuit Court of...2004TR: ImpugningNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
118United States v. Gentry, 555...Drug crimesMOUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe defendant had invoked her...2009TR: InadmissibleRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
119United States v. Fowler, 445...Violent, otherMOUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Eighth Circuit Court of...2006PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
120United States v. Smith, No....Drug crimesMIJerryRushingYes2002Trial courtDistrict Court held that the...2008TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
121United States v. Goodman, No....Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtProsecutor improperly asked a...2007TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
122United States v. Conrad, 320...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe Eight Circuit Court...2002TR: InflammatoryRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
123United States v. Ranger Elec....Non-violent, otherMIUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtIndictment was thrown out due...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
124United States v. Koubriti,...Violent, otherMIJohnAshcroftYesUKNTrial courtTerrorism charges were...2004PT: Brady
GEN: Extrajudicial
New trialYesYesOtherMay 4, 14
125United States v. Francis, 170...Drug crimesMIUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor committed a series...1999TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
126United States v. Cruz, No....Non-violent, otherMIUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtProsecutor improperly...2007TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
127United States v. Salemme, 91...MurderMAUKNUKNYes1994Trial courtDistrict Court Judge...1999PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
128United States v. Jones, 620...Non-violent, otherMASuzanneSullivanYesUKNTrial courtProsecutors failed to turn...UKNPT: BradyNo effectYesYesCont. Legal Educ.May 4, 14
129United States v. Gonczy, 357...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtProsecution violated its plea...2004PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
130United States v. Diabate, 90...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes1999Trial courtProsecutors failed to...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
131United States v. Conley, 415...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtPolice officer in a police...2005PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
132United States v. Castillo,...Drug crimesMADickensMatthieuYes2001Trial courtDistrict Court ordered new...2002PT: BradyNew trialYesYesCont. Legal Educ.Feb 7, 14
133United States v. Carpenter,...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution compared the...2005TR: InflammatoryNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
134United States v. Barone, 2009...Non-violent, otherMAJeffreyAuerhahnYes1990Trial courtDistrict Court ordered the...2003PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceYesUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
135United States v. Azubike, 504...Drug crimesMAUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...2007PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
136United States v. Harrison,...AssaultHIUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Reduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
137United States v. Auch, 187...Violent, otherMAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor improperly vouched...1999TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
138United States v. Riggs, 287...Drug crimesMEUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtThe prosecution violated its...2002PT: PleaVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
139United States v. Mason, 293...Drug crimesLAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtProsecution did not disclose...2002PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
140United States v. Odeneal, 517...Drug crimesKYUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtProsecutor wrongfully...2008TR: OtherNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
141United States v. Robinson,...Violent, otherKYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNYesOtherMar 30, 14
142United States v....Non-violent, otherKSUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtTenth Circuit Court of...2008PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
143United States v. Gurrola, No....Drug crimesKSUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtProsecution failed to provide...2002PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
144United States v. Davis, 244...Violent, otherIAUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtProsecution was too late to...2000PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
145United States v. Von...Drug crimesFLUKNUKNYes1993Trial courtProsecutors failed to...2000PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
146United States v. Babiar, 410...Drug crimesIACliffordWendelYesUKNTrial courtProsecution learned that a...UKNPT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
147United States v. Schneider,...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtProsecutor improperly asked...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
148United States v. Mosley, 505...Violent, otherIAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtDefendant received a new...2007PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
149United States v. Mannava, 565...Sex crimesINUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2009TR: InflammatoryReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
150United States v. Wilson, 390...Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...UKNPT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
151United States v. Freeman, 650...Drug crimesILRachelCannonYes2009Trial courtProsecution introduced false...2009PT: Evidence
PT: Perjury
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
152United States v. Shaygan, 652...Violent, otherFLSean PaulCroninYes2009Trial courtProsecutors were rebuked for...2009PT: ChargingJury acquittalYesNoUKNFeb 17, 14
153United States v. Scheer, 168...Non-violent, otherFLLotharGengeYesUKNAppeals courtThe prosecutor had made...1999TR: OtherNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
154United States v. Aisenberg,...Violent, otherFLStephenKunzYes2001Trial courtThe government paid roughly...2003PT: ChargingPre-trial dismissalYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
155United States v. Watson, 171...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtThe prosecutor...1999TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
156United States v. Maddox, 156...Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe D.C. Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
157United States v. Johnson, 592...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe D.C. Circuit Court of...2010PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
158United States v. Earle, 375...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtThe DC Circuit Court of...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
159United States v. Slough, 641...MurderDCUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutors violated the 5th...2009TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
160Eastridge v. United States,...MurderDCJosephGuerrieri, Jr.YesUKNTrial courtProsecution failed to turn...2005PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
161Batarfi v. Gates, No....Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtProsecutors failed to turn...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNYesUKNMar 30, 14
162United States v. Coker,...Drug crimesDEEdmondFalgowskiYes2002Trial courtProsecutor's statements...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
163United States v. Washington,...Non-violent, otherCTUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtThe District Court ordered a...2003PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
164United States v. Triumph...Non-violent, otherCTUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe general counsel to an...2006PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
165United States v. Ford, 550...Non-violent, otherCOUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe Tenth Circuit Court of...2008PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
166United States v. Golyansky,...Non-violent, otherCOUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe District Court sanctioned...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
167United States v. Whitehead,...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor used evidence of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
168United States v....Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
169United States v. Service...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor failed to turn...1998PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
170United States v. Perlaza, 439...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtThe Prosecutor violated the...2006TR: MisstatingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
171United States v. Geston, 299...AssaultCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor had improperly...2002Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Impugning
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
172United States v....Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtProsecutors broke a plea...2000PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
173United States v. Fitzgerald,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutor failed to turn...2009PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
174United State v. Fimbres, 49...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Partial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
175United States v. Cerullo, No....Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed an...2007TR: MischaracterizingDismissalNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
176United States v. Caruto, 532...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtProsecutor improperly...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
177United States v. Alfonso, No....Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtProsecutors failed to turn...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
178United States v....Drug crimesCAJohnLyonsYes1991Trial courtProsecutor was aware of...1998PT: BradyBar evidenceYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
179United States v. Rodrigues,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes1994Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
Partial reversal of convictionNoUKNUKNMar 30, 14
180United States v. Reyes, 577...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
181United States v. Blueford,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2002PT: Evidence
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
182United States v. Urie, 379...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe Prosecutor repeatedly...2006TR: VouchingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
183United States v. Rosen, 94...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2004PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
184United States v. Brown, 327...Non-violent, otherAKUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2003TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
185United States v. Kohring, 637...Non-violent, otherAKWilliamWelchYes2007Appeals courtUpon appeal, the prosecutor...2010PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
186United States v. Kott, 423...Non-violent, otherAKUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe government admitted...2011PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
187United States v. DeJong, 26...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court ordered the...2000PT: ChargingJury acquittalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
188United States v....Drug crimesAZUKNUKNYes1998Trial courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000PT: BradyNo effectNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
189United States v. Jernigan,...Violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe defendant's bank...2007PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
190United States v. Vavages, 151...Drug crimesAZUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
191United States v. Chases, 230...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe prosecutor was found to...2007PT: Brady
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
192United States v. Combs, 379...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
193United States v. Hector, 474...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtThe District Court ordered a...2008PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
194United States v. Jackson, 116...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutors "materially...2004PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
195United States v. LaPage, 231...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000PT: Perjury
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
196United States v. Leung, 351...Non-violent, otherCARobertWallaceYes2003Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed...2005PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
197United States v. Nicholas,...Non-violent, otherCAAndrewStolperYes2008Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed the...2009PT: EvidenceDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
198United States v....MurderCAUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtThe prosecutors had made...2009PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
Voluntary withdrawal of...UKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
199United States v. Ruehle, 583...Non-violent, otherCAAdamStolperYes2007Trial courtDefendant moved to vacate her...2010Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
200United States v. Nobari, 574...Drug crimesCAKarenEscobarYes2003Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
201United States v. Quinn, 537...Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe D.C. District Court...2008PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
204State v. Aldridge, 697 N.E.2d...Sex crimesOHUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendants were convicted of...1995PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
205State v. Rivet, 752 N.W.2d...Violent, otherNDUKNUKNYesUKNSupreme courtThe Supreme Court of North...2008TR: InadmissibleRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
206State v. Price, 68 A.3d 440...Drug crimesRIMariaDeatonNo2009Supreme courtRhode Island Supreme Court...2013TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
207State v. Evans, 593 N.W.2d...Drug crimesNDUKNUKNNo1997Supreme courtThe North Dakota Supreme...1999TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
208Clayton v. Willis, 489 So.2d...Non-violent, otherFLStephenKunzNoUKNAppeals courtThe District Court of Appeal...UKNPT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
209People v. Maier, No. C058044,...Non-violent, otherCAMaggieKrellNoUKNUKNThe California Court of...2009TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
210People v. Bermudez, 25...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe Supreme Court of New York...2009TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
211United States v. Scheer, 168...Non-violent, otherFLLotharGengeYesUKNAppeals courtDefendant was convicted in...1999PT: EvidenceVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
212People v. Bueno, No....MurderCOUKNUKNNo2009Trial courtThe Colorado Court of...2013PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
213Taylor v. State, 827 A.2d 24...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNoUKNUKNDefendant appealed his theft...2003PT: Charging
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
214Williams v. State, 803 A.2d...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2002TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
215Morris v. State, 795 A.2d 653...AssaultDEUKNUKNNo1999Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2002TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
216Caldwell v. State, 770 A.2d...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo1998Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2001TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
217State v. Rivet, 752 N.W.2d...Attempted murderNDUKNUKNNo2007Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2008TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
218State v. Ball, 675 N.W.2d 192...Sex crimesALUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtDefendant was convicted by a...2004TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
219State v. Scutchings, 759...Sex crimesNDUKNUKNNo2007Supreme courtDefendant was convicted by a...2009TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
220Whittle v. State, 77 A.3d 239...MurderDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2013TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
221Oliver v. State, 60 A.3d 1093...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
222Kirkley v. State, 41 A.3d 372...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2012TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
223Eley v. State, 11 A.3d 226...Non-violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2010TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
224Allen v. State, 970 A.2d 203...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtDefendant, accused of being...2009TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
225Hardy v. State, 962 A.2d 244...Sex crimesDEUKNUKNNo2006Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2008TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
226People v. Otero, 210 Cal....Sex crimesCAUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendant was convicted in...2012TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
227State v. Herrera, 41 Kan....Sex crimesKSUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtDefendant was convicted in...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
228State v. Rogan, 984 P.2d 1231...Sex crimesHIUKNUKNNo1998Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...1999TR: InflammatoryDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
239In re Brizzi, 962 N.E.2d 1240...MurderINCarlBrizziNo2008Supreme courtProsecutor Carl Brizzi...2012GEN: ExtrajudicialNo effectYesYesOtherMay 4, 14
229State v. Magallanez, 235 P.3d...Sex crimesKSUKNUKNYesUKNSupreme courtDefendant was convicted in a...2010TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
230Rose v. State, 163 P.3d 408...Sex crimesNVUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtFollowing a jury trial,...2007TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
231Castleberry v. Brigano, 349...MurderOHUKNUKNYes1992Appeals courtFollowing affirmance of his...2003PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
232State v. Ennis, 93APA08-1187,...Sex crimesOHDennisHoganNo1990Appeals courtDefendant was convicted in...1994PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
233Collins v. State, No....Violent, otherFLUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendant appealed her...UKNTR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
234Marston v. State, No....Sex crimesFLUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...UKNTR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
235Schneyder v. Smith, 653 F.3d...MurderPASmithGinaYes2005Appeals courtDetainee held as a material...2011Pre-Trial -- OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
238In re Wyser, 4 N.E.3d 619...MurderINDavidWyserNo1992Supreme courtDavid Wyser was suspended...2013GEN: OtherNo effectYesYesSuspensionMay 4, 14
237In re Howes, 39 A.3d 1 (D.C....MurderDCPaulHowesYesUKNDOJ OPRThe Office of Professional...2012Pre-Trial -- OtherReduction in sentenceYesYesDisbarmentMay 4, 14
236DisbarmentNon-violent, otherDCJohnYooYes2009DOJ OPR"In 2009, OPR finished a...2009GEN: OtherNo effectYesNoUKNJul 14, 14
242Larsen v. Davis County, No....Violent, otherUTTylerLarsenNo2010Appeals courtProsecutor, Tyler Larsen, was...UKNTR: MischaracterizingRemoval of ProsecutorUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
241Strobbe v. State, 296 Ark. 74...MurderARJohnFoglemanNo1986Supreme courtThe Arkansas Supreme Court...1988PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 14
240Mullins v. State, No....MurderFLUKNUKNNoUKNUKNAfter a manslaughter trial,...UKNTR: MisstatingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
243State v. Roque, 141 P.3d 368...MurderAZVinceImbordinoNo2003Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2006PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
244State v. Minnitt, 55 P.3d...MurderAZKenPeasleyNo1993Supreme courtArizona Supreme Court held...2002TR: MischaracterizingDismissalUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
258People v. Calabria, 727...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1996Supreme courtThe NY Court of Appeals...2000TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
245State v. Morris, 160 P.3d 203...MurderAZJuanMartinezNo2005Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2007TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
246State v. Moody, 94 P.3d 1119...MurderAZDavidWhiteNo2001Supreme courtDefendant appealed to the...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
247State v. Velazquez, 166 P.3d...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2004Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
248State v. Newell, 132 P.3d 833...MurderAZCleveLynchNoUKNUKNThe Arizona Supreme Court...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
249State v. Speer, 212 P.3d 787...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2007Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
250State v. Martinez, 282 P.3d...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2006Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...UKNTR: Vouching
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
251State v. Gallardo, 242 P.3d...MurderAZJuanMartinezNo2005Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...UKNTR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
252State v. Prince, 250 P.3d...MurderAZCleveLynchNo1998Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2011TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
253State v. Manuel, 270 P.3d 828...MurderAZTedDuffyNo2004Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
254State v. Nelson, 273 P.3d 632...MurderAZMattSmithNo2009Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2012TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
255State v. Parker, 296 P.3d 54...MurderAZLauraReckartNo2010Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
257Gorghan v. DeAngelis, 857...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtThe New York high court...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
259People v. Fredrick, 861...MurderNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe NY Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
260People v. Riback, 920 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtThe Court of Appeals of New...UKNTR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
272People v. Trinidad, 802...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
261People v. Hill, 835 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2005TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
262People v. Morrice, 877...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNUKNThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Partial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
263People v. Currier, 919...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtProsecutor misconduct was...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
264People v. Ballerstein, 860...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
265UKNDrug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: VouchingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
266People v. Jodhan, 831...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
267People v. Reid, 722 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
268People v. Walter, 823...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
269People v. Stanton, 842...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
270People v. Wynters, 747...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNUKNThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
271People v. Anderson,851...UKNNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
287People v. De Vito, 800...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
286People v. Morgan, 974...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
274Stapley v. Pestalozzi, 733...Non-violent, otherAZAndrewThomasYes2009Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2013Pre-Trial -- Other
GEN: Extrajudicial
GEN: Other
Voluntary withdrawal of...YesYesDisbarmentSep 22, 14
285In re Stuart, 803 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYClaudeStuartNo2002Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2002PT: BradyNew trialYesYesSuspensionSep 22, 14
273Howard v. State, 403 S.W.3d...MurderARTomCooperNo1999Supreme courtAfter the Arkansas Supreme...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
284People v. Furey, 909 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
275People v. Bravo, 894 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
276People v. Burchard, 799...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
277People v. Almethoky, 779...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
278People v. Diotte, 880...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
279People v. Slishevsky, 948...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
280People v. Woodrow, 936...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
281People v. Williams, 951...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
282Baba-Ali v. State, 799...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
283People v. McClary, , 925...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
288People v. Eldridge, 732...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
289People v. Bowie, 607 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
290People v. Melendez, 782...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
291People v. George, 671...UKNNYUKNUKNNo1998UKNThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
302State v. Jackson,...MurderTNAmyWeirichNo2005Supreme courtThe Tennessee Supreme Court...2013PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
292People v. Brown, 812 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
293People v. Hendrie, 805...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
294People v. Grady, 838 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
295People v. Alfaro, 688...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe Defendant was convicted...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
296People v. Edwards, 834...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
297People v. Slaughter, 596...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
298People v. Spann, 918 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
299People v. Wlasiuk, 821...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
300People v. Miller, 960...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
301People v. Lopez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
303People v. Clark, 600 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
304People v. Walters, 674...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
328People v. Smith, 596 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1992UKNThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
305People v. Washington, 718...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
306People v. Gorghan, 787...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
307People v. Collins, 784...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
308People v. Bull, 630 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: MisstatingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
309People v. Russell, 761...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
310People v. McCombs, 795...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
311People v. Santiago, 735...UKNNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
312People v. Chislum, 665...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
313People v. Roman, 787 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
314People v. Halm, 81 N.Y.2d 819...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
315People v. Jackson, 532...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1988TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
316People v. Torres, 490...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1985TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
317People v. Ubiles, 539...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1989TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
318People v. Nevedo, 608...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
319People v. Robinson, 689...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
320People v. Tarantola, 577...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
321People v. LaPorte, 762...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
322People v. Chapin, 265 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
323People v. Proper, 576...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
324People v. Typhair, 784...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
325People v. Skinner, 747...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
330People v. World, 550 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
326People v. Roundtree, 593...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
327People v. Paul, 645 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
329People v. McReynolds, 572...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
331People v. Fiori, 693 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
332People v. Hernandez, 553...UKNNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: ImpugningReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
333People v. Glanda, 794...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
334People v. Casanova, 988...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2012Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2014TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
335People v. Allen, 787 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
336People v. Forbes, 975...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
337People v. Anderson, 921...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
338People v. Spence, 938...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
339People v. Barber, 787...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
340People v. Hughes, 975...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2012Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
341People v. Payne, 593 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
342People v. LaDolce, 607...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
343People v. Garcia, 848...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
344People v. Monroe, 793...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
345People v. Williams, 849...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2006PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
346People v. Swansbrough, 802...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
347People v. Williams, 854...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
348People v. Gayden, 975...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
349People v. Sinha, 976 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2012PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
350People v. Middlebrooks, 752...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
351People v. Phillips, 865...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
352People v. Richard, 817...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
353People v. Nelson, 882...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
354People v. Daly, 928 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2010PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
355People v. Harris, 825...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
356Leka v. Portuondo, 257 F.3d...MurderNYUKNUKNYes1990Appeals courtThe Second Circuit Court of...2001PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
357People v. Waters, 941...MurderNYJasonPetriNo2011Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
358Ramos v. City of New York,...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1985Appeals courtA day care aide filed a §...2001PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
359In re Soares, 947 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYP. DavidSoaresNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyDismissalUKNYesOtherNov 17, 14
360People v. Harris, 838...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Trial courtThe New York County Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
361State v. Graves, 668 N.W.2d...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtThe Iowa Supreme Court, held...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
362People v. Porco, 896 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
363People v. Bell, 838 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
364People v. Elioff, 972...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
365People v. Miller, 973...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2013Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
366People v. Parada, 889...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
367People v. Gillyard, 920...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
368People v. Thompson, 916...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
369People v. Winters, 839...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Trial courtThe New York County Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
370People v. Walton, 895...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
371People v. Saracina, 748...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
372People v. Trembling, 748...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
373People v. Hunter, 892 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtThe New York Court of...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
374People v. Arbas, 924 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
375People v. Perez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2012Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
Bar evidenceNoNoUKNNov 23, 14
376People v. Delosanto, 751...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
377People v. Vielman, 818...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
378People v. Rose, 761 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
379People v. Morales, 968...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
DismissalUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
380People v. Smith, 909 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
381People v. Pearson, 813...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
382People v. Pagan, 962 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
383People v. James King, 974...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
384People v. Lee, 824 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
385People v. Urbina, 951...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
386People v. Garcia, 895...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
387People v. Tetrault, 861...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
388People v. Gutierrez, 910...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
389People v. Brown, 894 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
390People v. Ostrow, 819...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
391People v. Stein, 781 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
392People v. Felix-Torres, 721...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
393People v. Colon, 918 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1993Supreme courtThe New York Court of...2009PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
394People v. Mitchell, 789...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
395People v. Rosas, 746 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
396People v. Quinney, 760...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
397People v. Norwood, 719...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
398People v. Jacobson, 876...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
399People v. Nelson, 935...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
400People v. Davis, 859 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
401People v. Clanton, 895...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
402People v. Goldstein, 900...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010PT: Charging
PT: Evidence
DismissalUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
403People v. Rodriguez, 790...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1999Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
404People v. Jones, 818 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
405People v. Bournes, 874...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: MischaracterizingPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
406Turner v. Schriver, 327 F....Violent, otherNYUKNSlighYes1988Appeals courtThe Eastern District Court of...2004PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
407People v. Simmons, 924...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
420People v. Battistini, 761...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
408People v. Rivera, 894...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
409People v. Clark, 725 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
410People v. Anderson, 830...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
411People v. Agostini, 922...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
412People v. Williams, 813...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
413People v. Quezada, 887...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
414People v. Eastman, 749...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
415People v. Christiani, 946...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
416People v. Bennett, 837...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
417People v. White, 737 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
418People v. Wright, 837...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
419People v. Acquista, 837...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
421People v. Alexander, 857...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
422People v. Mendez, 804...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
423People v. Bastian, 919...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
424People v. Elliott, 740...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
425People v. Aguilar, 829...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
426People v. Hicks, 953 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
427People v. Brown, 817 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
428People v. Chatman, 722...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
429People v. Singleton, 974...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Other
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
430People v. Carter, 818...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
431People v. Ortiz, 894 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
432People v. Shinebarger, 973...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
433People v. Marzug, 721...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
434People v. Rock, 882 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectNoNoNAFeb 5, 15
435People v. Wright, 924...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
436People v. Mateo, 956 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
437People v. Ortiz-Castro, 784...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
438People v. Epolito, 957...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
439People v. Bell, 885 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
440People v. Sleasman, 805...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005UKNReduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
441People v. Glen, 723 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
442People v. Nelson, 890...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
443People v. Burroughs, 721...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
444People v. Ni, 742 N.Y.S.2d 61...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
445People v. Matthews, 811...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
446People v. Robinson, 975...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Brady
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
447People v. Pringle, 896...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
448People v. Spruill, 775...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
449People v. Robinson, 790...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Misstating
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
450People v. Wildrick, 920...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
451People v. Quiller, 749...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
452People v. Williams, 967...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
453People v. Lauderdale, 746...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InflammatoryNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
454People v. Presha, 919...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
455People v. Shelton, 763...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
456People v. Morgan, 903...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
457People v. Gordon, 855...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
458People v. Smith, 733 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
459People v. Edwards, 882...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
460People v. Nisvis, 867...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
461People v. Johnson, 777...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
462People v. Whitehead, 760...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 18, 15
463People v. Algarin, 790...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
464People v. Jones, 948 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
465People v. Hardy, 804 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
466People v. Sudol, 932 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
467People v. Baum, 863 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
470People v. Hendricks, 747...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
471People v. Ramsey, 852...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Misstating
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
472People v. Caparella, 920...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
473People v. Wilson, 955...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
474UKNMurderNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
475People v. Cosme, 973 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
476People v. Washington, 933...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
477People v. Todd, 968 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
478People v. Scott, 875 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
479People v. Benavides, 792...Non-violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
480People v. McClary, 925...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
481People v. Mattocks, 954...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
482People v. Scruggs, 976...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
483People v. Jamal, 761 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
484People v. Liverpool, 825...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
485People v. Mehmood, 977...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
486People v. Thornton, 962...MurderNYThomasSpotaNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
487People v. Fisher, 967 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2012TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
488People v. Wiggins, 817...MurderNYWilliamGradyNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
489People v. Munquia, 806...AssaultNYRichardBrownNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
490People v. Stallworth, 802...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
491People v. Peterson, 897...AssaultNYWilliamFitzpatrickNo2008Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
492People v. Warren, 812...Violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
493People v. Mohammed, 917...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
494People v. Collado, 933...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
495People v. Wallender, 812...Non-violent, otherNYRobertCarneyNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
496People v. Dedaj, 756 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
497People v. Bartholomew, 963...Non-violent, otherNYCyrusVanceNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
498People v. Goldstein, 763...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
499People v. Foxworth, 759...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
500People v. Romero, 864...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2006Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
501People v. Bryan, 866 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
502People v. Pagan, 797 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
503People v. Ortiz, 822 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYRobertMorgenthauNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
504People v. Dubarry, 926...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
505People v. Cordero, 972...Sex crimesNYFrankSeditaNoUKNAppeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2013TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
506People v. Clemmons, 847...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
507People v. Davis, 805 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
508People v. Pagan, 769 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
509People v. Lebovits, 942...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
510People. v. Dean, 856 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYKathleenRiceNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
511People v. Cabrera, 782...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
512People v. Davis, 832 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYMatthewMurphyNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
513People v. Coppolo, 817...Violent, otherNYRobertJohnsonNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
514People v. Thornton, 771...Violent, otherNYPaulClyneNo2001Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
515People v. Santiago, 957...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
516People v. Billups, 762...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
517People v. McArthur, 956...MurderNYThomasSpotaNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
518People v. Reilly, 796...Sex crimesNYGeraldMollenNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
519People v. Washington, 799...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
520People v. Koonce, 974...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2013TR: ImpugningNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
521People v. Lopez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYFrankSeditaNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
522People v. Corliss, 853...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: ChargingPartial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
523People v. Page, 964 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYFrankSeditaNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
524People v. Dalton, 811...Sex crimesNYJosephMcBrideNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: Charging
TR: Inadmissible
Partial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
525People v. Thibeault, 900...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
526People v. Harte, 815 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYRobertMorgenthauNo2004Appeals courtIn an arson case, the New...2006TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
527People v. Scott, 924 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
528People v. Hunter, 782...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
529People v. Fields, 891...Non-violent, otherNYP. DavidSoaresNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
530People v. Simon, 954 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYThomasSpotaNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
532People v. Handwerker, 816...Non-violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: MisstatingNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
533People v. Perkins, 804...Drug crimesNYGeraldMollenNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
534People v. Johnson, 786...Non-violent, otherNYPaulClyneNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
535People v. Wilson, 726...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
536People v. Martina, 852...Sex crimesNYFrankClarkNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
537People v. Martin, 813...Violent, otherNYKathleenRiceNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
538People v. Roberts, 904...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
539People v. Carney, 973...Non-violent, otherNYD. HolleyCarnrightNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
540People v. King, 973 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
541People v. Wright, 725...Drug crimesNYJohnTriceNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
542People v. Hebert, 891...Sex crimesNYJamesConboyNo2007Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2009TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
543People v. Totesau, 977...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
544People v. Smalls, 953...Violent, otherNYSandraDoorleyNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
545People v. Kossman, 848...Sex crimesNYJosephMcBrideNo2005Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
546People v. McKnight, 761...MurderNYPaulClyneNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
547People v. Benedetto, 744...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
548People v. Dinkins, 962...Non-violent, otherNYCyrusVanceNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNPT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
549People v. Acevedo, 925...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
550People v. Raosto, 856...Drug crimesNYRobertMorgenthauNo2005Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
551People v. Brazeau, 759...Violent, otherNYMathewMurphyNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
552People v. Williams, 987...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
553People v. Sudan, 748 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYPaulClyneNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
554People v. Sheehan, 963...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
555People v. Montoya, 882...Sex crimesNYCharlesHynesNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
556People v. Dombrowski-Bove,...MurderNYFrankClarkNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
557People v. Hopkins, 866...Sex crimesNYJosephMcBrideNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
558People v. Myers, 963 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYRichardMcNallyNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
559People v. LaValle, 817 N.E.2d...MurderNYThomasSpotaNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2004TR: InflammatoryPartial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
560People v. Hodges, 654...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1997Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
561People v. Varuzzi, 686...MurderNYRichardBrownNo1999Trial courtIn the New York Supreme...1999PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
562People v. Jones, 595 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYRichardBrownNo1993Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: Charging
PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
563DiSimone v. Phillips, 461...MurderNYValerieLivingstonYes2000Appeals courtAfter the Second Circuit...2006PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
564People v. Huston, 668 N.E.2d...MurderNYMatthewMurphy, IIINoUKNSupreme courtOn grant of appeal, the New...1996PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
565People v. Harris, 838...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Trial courtThe New York County Court for...2007PT: EvidenceDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
566People v. Benjamin, 558...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Criminal Court...1990PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
568People v. Peralta, 881...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Trial court"The errors committed by...2009PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
569People v. Deery, 630 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1995Trial courtThe New York Criminal Court,...1995PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
570People v. Irizarry, 24 Misc....Non-violent, otherNYKevinJamesNo2009Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 3, 15
571People v. Gilman, 28 Misc. 3d...Non-violent, otherNYHannahLongNo2010Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
572People v. Harris, 181 Misc....Attempted murderNYNinaCarlowNo1999Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
607People v. Hammock, 182 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
GEN: Extrajudicial
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
573State v. Krone, 182 Ariz....MurderAZNoelLevyNo1992Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...1995PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNJun 22, 15
574People v. Curley, 159 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
575People v. Smith, 195 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: Evidence
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
576People v. Tidwell, 207 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
577People v. Brown, 195 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
578People v. Christopher, 170...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
579People v. Adames, 83 N.Y.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Trial courtAfter a mistrial was granted...1989TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
580People v. Johnson, 190 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 17, 15
581People v. Washington, 177...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
582People v. Church, 244 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
583People v. Cruz, 160 A.D.2d...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
584People v. Ware, 272 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
585People v. Cotton, 242 A.D.2d...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: MischaracterizingNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
586People v. Fonder, 211 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYJ.J.DawsonNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
587People v. Laraby, 219 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
588People v. Brockway, 255...MurderNYJ.J.FallonNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
589People v. Karlin, 242 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYJ.J.FallonNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
590People v. Abston, 229 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNTrial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
591People v. Fuentes, 199 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
592People v. Brunson, 270 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYAliceWisemanNo1997Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2000TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
593People v. Perkins, 229 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
594People v. Tolbert, 198 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
595People v. Moss, 215 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
596People v. Johnson, 166 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
597People v. Jefferson, 182...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
598People v. King, 184 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1989Appeals courtAfter the trial court granted...1989UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
599People v. Lopez, 233 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
606People v. Leuthner, 216...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
600People v. Torres, 223 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
601People v. Camarre, 171 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: MisstatingDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
602People v. Pellot, 186 A.D.2d...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
603People v. Bradley, 247 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
604People v. McCovery, 254...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
605People v. Gierszewski, 226...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 18, 15
608People v. Martinez, 186...MurderNYCarlVergariNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 23, 15
609People v. Edwards, 167 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 23, 15
610People v. Robinson, 190...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1990Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 23, 15
611People v. White, 173 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 23, 15
612People v. Sheppard, 168...Violent, otherNYDenisDillonNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 24, 15
613People v. Saks, 256 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 24, 15
614People v. Steward, 213 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 24, 15
615People v. Lyking, 147 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1989TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 24, 15
616People v. Brito, 26 Misc. 3d...Drug crimesNYRobertJohnsonNo2010Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010Pre-Trial -- OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
617People v. Curry, 579 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYRichardBrownNo1992Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
618People v. Ochoa, 809 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYRobertJohnsonNo2005Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
619People v. Robles, 153 Misc....MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1988Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
620People v. Enoe, 185 Misc. 2d...UKNNYCharlesHynesNo2000Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
621People v. Marquez, 156 Misc....Attempted murderNYSamuelKarlinerNo1992Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
622People v. Gayle, 193 Misc. 2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2002Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
623People v. Johnson, 155 Misc....Violent, otherNYHowardRelinNo1992Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
624People v. Wheeler-Whichard,...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1997Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Other
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
625People v. Dzeloski, 161 Misc....Non-violent, otherNYDanielMcCarthyNo1994Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
626People v. Wong, 16 Misc. 3d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesGuriaNo2007Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
627People v. Irizarry, 24 Misc....Non-violent, otherNYKevinJamesNo2009Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 25, 15
631People v. Parker, 178 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 15
629People v. Nieves, 186 A.D.2d...AssaultNYRichardBrownNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 15
630People v. Davis, 210 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownYes1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 15
632People v. Clark, 195 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 9, 15
633People v. Scott, 163 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 9, 15
634People v. Hilts, 224 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRobertCarneyNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 9, 15
635People v. Norton, 164 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYRobertMorgenthauNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 13, 15
636People v. Valdez, 269 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYRichardBrownNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 16, 15
637People v. Williamson, 267...MurderNYSolGreenbergNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 16, 15
638People v. Dawkins, 203 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 16, 15
639People v. Martin, 172 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
640People v. Brown, 262 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYJohnCastellanoNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999UKNRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
652People v. Paul, 212 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
653People v. Trotter, 198 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
641People v. Villarino, 184...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
642People v. Brinson, 265 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
643People v. Miller, 174 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYJamesCanfieldNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
DismissalUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
644People v. Negron, 161 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYP.LewisNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
645People v. Mitchell, 197...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InflammatoryRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
646People v. Uriah, 261 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
647People v. Odle, 187 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
651People v. Hernandez, 185...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
648People v. Ferrara, 220 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYRichardBrownNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
649People v. Peralta, 225 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYSolGreenbergNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
650People v. Jay, 187 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 20, 15
654People v. Paulino, 187 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 21, 15
655People v. Chase, 265 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 21, 15
656People v. Lake, 235 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 21, 15
657UKNViolent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1989PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 21, 15
658People v. Seymour, 255 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 22, 15
659People v. Bennett, 244 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 22, 15
660Ivey v. State, 80 N.Y.2d 474,...MurderNYRobertAbramsNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of...1992UKNRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 28, 15
661People v. Massa, 202 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNApr 28, 15
662People v. Sutton, 245 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 28, 15
663People v. Brazzeal, 172...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 28, 15
664People v. Elder, 207 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYRichardBrownNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 1, 15
665People v. Taylor, 197 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 1, 15
666People v. Carvalho, 256...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
667People v. Robinson, 267...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
668People v. Taylor, 226 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
669People v. Said, 174 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
670People v. Dworakowski, 208...Sex crimesNYMaryDonohueNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
671People v. Tolliver, 267...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
672People v. Tonge, 253 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYKarenEisenNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
676People v. Olivero, 272 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYKimberlyMorganNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: MischaracterizingRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
673People v. Goncalves, 239...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...1997TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
674People v. Coble, 168 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
675People v. Dunn, 158 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 15
678People v. Gonzalez, 206...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
679People v. Guthrie, 222 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
680People v. James, 162 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
681People v. Evans, 242 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
677People v. Louissant, 240...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1996Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
682People v. Manuel, 182 A.D.2d...MurderNYJamesCatterson, Jr.No1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
683People v. Bastow, 217 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
684People v. Scott, 217 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
685People v. Wallace, 182 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
686People v. Scutt, 254 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
687People v. Roberts, 203 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
688People v. Medina, 208 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1981Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1986UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
689People v. Scott, 216 A.D.2d...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
690People v. Rudolph, 161 A.D.2d...MurderNYJ. W.StevensNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
691People v. Halm, 180 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYJamesHaydenNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
692People v. Spencer, 272 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
693People v. Frazier, 233 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
694People v. Rizzo, 267 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 12, 15
695People v. Parsons, 275 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
696People v. Hoke, 276 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
697People v. Glenn, 185 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
698People v. Colas, 206 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1985Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
699People v. Farraro, 168 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
700People v. Bazemore, 203...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
701People v. McIlwain, 188...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
702People v. Hurd, 223 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 20, 15
703People v. Caban, 224 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYCharlesHynesNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
704People v. Brown, 208 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
706People v. Glover, 183 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
707People v. Bell, 191 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
708People v. Green, 186 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
709People v. Shelton, 209 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Partial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
717Milke v Ryan, 711 F. 3d 998...MurderAZNoelLevyYes1990Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2013PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 21, 15
710People v. Carney, 222 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
711People v. Sumpter, 192 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
712People v. McElveen, 162...MurderNYJohnSantucciNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
713People v. Lippolis, 246...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
714People v. Gill, 223 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
715People v. Smarr, 175 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
716People v. Austin, 172 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCarlVergariNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
718People v. Lewis, 262 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
719People v. Brathwaite, 232...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
720People v. Brown, 182 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
721People v. Hayes, 170 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
722People v. Moore, 242 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
723People v. Miller, 247 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYEllenHandmanNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
724People v. Amaro, 216 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYG.M.MignolaNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
725People v. Ross, 262 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
726People v. Figueroa, 181...Drug crimesNYRichardBrownNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 27, 15
727People v. Smith, 225 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
728People v. Davis, 256 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
729People v. Rodriguez, 179...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
730People v. Jackson, 174 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1986Appeals courtThe Defendant was convicted...1991PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
731People v. Mejia, 256 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
732People v. Vargas, 201 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 28, 15
733People v. Williams, 202...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
734People v. Campbell, 228...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
735People v. Crawford, 256...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
736People v. Guerrero-Rivera,...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
737People v. Maiello, 185 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
738People v. Johnson, 245 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYPeterHinckleyNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
739People v. Dien, 161 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYP.A.MonroeNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
740People v. McLean, 243 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYRobertCarneyNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
741People v. Webb, 236 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
742People v. Lopez, 180 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
743People v. Jelinek, 224 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYDenisDillonNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
745People v. Quick, 160 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYWilliamMurphyNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 15
746People v. Montesa, 211 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
761In re Alexander, 232 Ariz. 1,...Non-violent, otherAZRachelAlexanderNo2010State disciplinary bodyThe Arizona Supreme Court,...2013PT: Charging
Pre-Trial -- Other
GEN: Extrajudicial
Voluntary withdrawal of...YesYesSuspensionJun 16, 15
760People v. Parker, 220 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
747People v. Joon Ho Chin, 267...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: OtherRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
748People v. Rodriguez, 182...Attempted murderNYCharlesHynesNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
749People v. Wallace, 159 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
750People v. Alls, 195 A.D.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
751People v. Sargent, 195 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
752People v. Hill, 226 A.D.2d...MurderNYLisaMuddNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
753People v. Shoemaker, 227...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
754People v. Gonzalez, 194...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
755People v. Butler, 185 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
756People v. Pryce, 249 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYDenisDillonNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
757People v. Paul, 212 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
758People v. Barham, 170 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
759People v. Hall, 208 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYMaryDonohueNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 16, 15
762People v. Machicote, 251...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
763People v. Melendez, 211...MurderNYR.MooreNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
764People v. Gonzales, 185...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
765People v. Wilkens, 177 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
766People v. Kline, 175 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYJamesCatterson, Jr.No1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
767People v. Garcia, 169 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRobertMorgenthauNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
768People v. Rodriguez, 194...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
769People v. Lee, 206 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYPhillipWeinsteinNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 23, 15
770People v. Jorge, 171 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 25, 15
771People v. Gonzalez, 229...AssaultNYJeaninePirroNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 25, 15
772People v. Pennington, 217...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
773People v. Morgan, 172 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
774People v. Burress, 164 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
775People v. Cunningham, 222...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
790People v. Hill, 193 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
776People v. Torres, 171 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
777People v. Leonor, 245 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
778People v. Bryant, 163 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYCarlVergariNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
779People v. Simmons, 237 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
780People v. Ferguson, 82 N.Y.2d...Violent, otherNYRobertMorgenthauNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
781People v. Whitted, 199 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYRobertCarneyNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
782People v. Cox, 256 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 29, 15
783People v. Spinelli, 214...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 2, 15
784People v. Belgrave, 172...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1985Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 2, 15
785People v. Valerio, 167 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKnUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 2, 15
789People v. Alexander, 190...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
786People v. La Duca, 172 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991Pre-Trial -- OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
787People v. Huggins, 222 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
788People v. Coble, 168 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
791People v. Wright, 86 N.Y.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of...1995PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
792People v. Gaines, 199 A.D.2d...MurderNYRichardBrownNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
793People v. Crespo, 188 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1989Trial courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...1992PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
794People v. White, 200 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
795People v. Janota, 181 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYGeorgeDentesNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
796People v. Pressley, 234...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
797People v. Davis, 81 N.Y.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNLeeNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...1993PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
798People v. Seaman, 239 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
799People v. Santos, 232 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
800People v. Makrinos, 226...Non-violent, otherNYJeaninePirroNo1994Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
801People v. English, 277 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
802People v. May, 228 A.D.2d...MurderNYRichardBrownNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
803People v. Davis, 196 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYRichardBrownNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
804People v. Hall, 181 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNJul 6, 15
805People v. Banfield, 194...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
806People v. Steadman, 82 N.Y.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1988Supreme courtThe New York Court of...1993PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
807People v. Rivera, 170 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
808People v. Lantigua, 228...MurderNYNancyKillianNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
809People v. Shears, 184 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
810People v. Bond, 95 N.Y.2d...MurderNYMichaelGoreNo1994Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2000PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
811People v. Byfield, 194 A.D.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 13, 15
812People v. James, 241 A.D.2d...Non-violent, otherNYDennisVaccoNo1996Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
813People v. Diaz, 169 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1987Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
814People v. Banch, 80 N.Y.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...1992PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
815People v. Giordano, 274...Violent, otherNYJamesConboyNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
816People v. Fearnot, 200 A.D.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
817People v. Lewis, 174 A.D.2d...MurderNYRobertJohnsonNo1985Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
818People v. LaSalle, 243 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYCharlesHynesNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
819People v. Grice, 188 A.D.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1992PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
820People v. Tessitore, 178...Violent, otherNYRobertCarneyNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
821People v. Ramos, 201 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYRobertJohnsonNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
822People v. Holden, 244 A.D.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 15
823In re Aubuchon, 233 Ariz. 62,...Non-violent, otherAZLisaAubuchonNo2008Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2010PT: ChargingDismissalYesYesDisbarmentJul 15, 15
824Graves v. Dretke, 442 F.3d...MurderTXCharlesSebestaNo1994Appeals courtThe 5th Circuit Court of...2006PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialYesYesDisbarmentJul 21, 15
825Pena v. State, 353 S.W.3d 797...Drug crimesTXSueKoriothNo1998Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2011PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 31, 15
826Ex parte Mares, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNo1999Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2010PT: BradyNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 6, 15
827Ex parte Richardson, 70...MurderTXUKNUKNNo1988Supreme courtOn application for a writ of...2002PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 6, 15
828Hall v. State, 283 S.W.3d 137...Non-violent, otherTXRonaldEarleNo2007Appeals courtThe Texas Third Court of...2009PT: BradyNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 6, 15
829Curtis v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe Texas Court of Appeals...2002TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
830Branch v. State, 335 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Third Court of Appeals of...2011TR: MisstatingNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
831Archie v. State, 340 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
832Thompson v. State, 89 S.W.3d...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st District Court of...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
New sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
833Espinoza v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe 3rd Court of Appeals of...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
834Auguste v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Eighth Court of Appeals...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 7, 15
836Bernard v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 12th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 10, 15
837Kibble v. State, 340 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 10, 15
838Johnson v. State, 83 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 10, 15
839Wallace v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 14, 15
840Ivery v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe First Court of Appeals of...2003TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 17, 15
841Hawks v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNAug 17, 15
842Ramon v. State, 159 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2004TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 17, 15
843Vega v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Eleventh Court of Appeals...2012TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
844Thomas v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
845Roberson v. State, 100 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXJamesWileyNoUKNAppeals courtThe Tenth Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
846Wilson v. State, 938 S.W.2d...MurderTXJohnDeWittNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1996TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
847Berry v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Eighth Court of Appeals...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
848Adams v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe First Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
849Crocker v. State, 248 S.W.3d...Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2007TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
850Williams v. State, 417 S.W.3d...MurderTXDevonAndersonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNAug 19, 15
851United States v. Bowen, No....Non-violent, otherLAJanMannYes2011Appeals courtThe United States Fifth...2015PT: Charging
PT: Evidence
PT: Plea
TR: Other
GEN: Extrajudicial
Remand/New TrialYesUKNUKNAug 21, 15
852Gonzalez v. State, 115 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Thirteenth Court of...2003TR: InflammatoryNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNAug 27, 15
853Moore v. State, 999 S.W.2d...MurderTXUKNUKNNo1995Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1999TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
854Longoria v. State, 154 S.W.3d...MurderTXAlanCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fourteenth Court of...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
867Perkins v. State, No....Sex crimesTXTimCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2004TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
855Wesbrook v. State, 29 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
856Wright v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
857Ex parte Wheeler, 203 S.W.3d...MurderTXStevenConderNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2006TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
858Wilson v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
859Modica v. State, 151 S.W.3d...AssaultTXMichaelPapaniaNoUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Court of Appeals of...2004TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
860Kavali v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
861Hawkins v. State, 135 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXBettyMarshallNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
862Nickerson v. State, 312...MurderTXDonaldRogers, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
863Alley v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
864Ouzenne v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
865Montalvo v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
866Thomas v. State, 461 S.W.3d...MurderTXSharenWilsonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2015TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 2, 15
868Board of Overseers of the Bar...UKNMECarlettaBassanoNoUKNState disciplinary bodyThe Maine Grievance...2015PT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
GEN: Extrajudicial
No effectYesYesOtherSep 11, 15
874Thompson v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
869Board of Overseers of the Bar...UKNMEWilliamEntwisleNoUKNState disciplinary bodyThe Maine Grievance...2015PT: BradyRemand/New TrialYesYesOtherSep 11, 15
870Board of Overseers of the Bar...Sex crimesMEMaryKellettNo2007Supreme courtThe Maine Supreme Judicial...2013PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
GEN: Extrajudicial
Remand/New TrialYesUKNSuspensionSep 11, 15
871Fant-Caughman v. State, 61...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Seventh Court of Appeals...2001TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 11, 15
872Peak v. State, 57 S.W.3d 14...Sex crimesTXUNKBrewerNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
873Hayes v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
875Franklin v. State, 459 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Sixth Court of Appeals of...2015TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 18, 15
876Miller v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 18, 15
877Meyer v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2007TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 18, 15
878Beltran v. State, 99 S.W.3d...MurderTXCandaceNorrisNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
879Hicks v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
880Whitehead v. State, 437...MurderTXElizabethWatkinsNoUKNAppeals courtThe Sixth Court of Appeals of...2014TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
882In re J.B.C., 233 S.W.3d 88...MurderTXTimCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 15
881Russell v. State, 290 S.W.3d...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 9th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 18, 15
883Brandley v. State, 691 S.W.2d...MurderTXJamesKeeshanNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1985TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
884Linder v. State, 828 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Circuit Court of...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
885Boyington v. State, 738...Violent, otherTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Circuit Court of...1985TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
886Ramirez v. State, 802 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXRonaldEarleNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1990TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
887Dinkins v. State, 894 S.W.2d...MurderTXTomManessNoUKNAppeals courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1995TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
888Tucker v. State, 15 S.W.3d...MurderTXAlanCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Circuit Court of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
889Brown v. State, 978 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXJamesFarrenNoUKNAppeals courtThe Seventh Court of Appeals...1998TR: InflammatoryNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNSep 21, 15
890Ketchum v. State, 199 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Thirteenth Court of...2006TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
891Hardimon v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
892Juarez v. State, 409 S.W.3d...MurderTXMikeAndersonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2013TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
893Ex Parte Lopez, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe Second Court of Appeals...2007PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
894Chester v. State, 167 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXWaylnThompsonNoUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Court of Appeals of...2005TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
895Guy v. State, 160 S.W.3d 606...Drug crimesTXTimCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe Second Court of Appeals...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
896McMurrough v. State, 995...Non-violent, otherTXBruceIsaacksNoUKNAppeals courtThe Second Court of Appeals...1999TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
897Lozano v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Second Court of Appeals...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
898Rockwell v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
899Brown v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Twelfth Court of Appeals...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
900Irielle v. State, 441 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXMelindaFletcherNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2014TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
901Nelson v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
902Watts v. State, 371 S.W.3d...Non-violent, otherTXDonaldRodgersNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals...2012TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
903Shelton v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
904Ratliff v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 15
905Johnson v. State, 698 S.W.2d...MurderTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1985TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
906Traylor v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 9th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
907Burkett v. State, 179 S.W.3d...Non-violent, otherTXLauraBurton BatesNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
908Torres v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 7th Court of Appeals of...2000TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
909England v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...2006TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
910Haynes v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKnNoUKNAppeals courtThe 11th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
911Nanim v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Third Court of Appeals of...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 6, 15
912Alonzo v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2004TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
913Aguirre v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 8th Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
914Hardin v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Third Court of Appeals of...2015TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
915Thompson v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
916Kelly v. State, 321 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
917Raborn v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals held...2011TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
918Lopez v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
919Arkansas v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
920Robinson v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
921Scott v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2013TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
922Ruiz v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
923Bassett v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Court of Appeals of...2014TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
924Smith v. State, 200 S.W.3d...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
925Gomez v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
926Spriggs v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 13, 15
927Washington v. State, 16...Sex crimesTXAlanCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
928Villarreal v. State, 860...Sex crimesTXJohnSecrestNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...1993TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
929Nervis v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
930Duvall v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 6th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
931Newport v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
932Smith v. State, No....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
933Lemon v. State, 298 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXAmosBartonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
934Lyons v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...2006TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
935Williams v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
936Brown v. State, 270 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNRizzoNo2005Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
937York v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2008TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
938Jones v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 20, 15
939Bland v. State, No....AssaultTXUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe 8th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 21, 15
940Alcala v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2014TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
941Gonzalez v. State, 455 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2014TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
942Goodwin v. State, 91 S.W.3d...AssaultTXBruceIsaacksNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
943Harris v. State, 56 S.W.3d 52...Violent, otherTXCarmenMitchellNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2001TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
944Paolilla v. State, 342 S.W.3d...MurderTXJessicaCairdNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
945Arispe v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
946Snowden v. State, 353 S.W.3d...AssaultTXLisaMcMinnNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
947Benefield v. State, 389...Non-violent, otherTXRodneyBoylesNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2012TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
948Brown v. State, 921 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXKathleenWalshNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
949Robison v. State, 461 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2015No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
950Hardin v. State, 20 S.W.3d 84...Sex crimesTNAlwinSmithNoUKNAppeals courtThe 6th Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
951Jetter v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 8th Court of Appeals of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
952Ex parte Lane, 303 S.W.3d 702...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
953Phillips v. State, 130 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXKellySmithNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
954Allen v. State, 249 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXGeorgetteHogarthNoUKNAppeals courtThe Third Court of Appeals of...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 26, 15
955Lindsey v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXKristinaEscalonaNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...2008TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
956Lair v. State, 265 S.W.3d 580...Drug crimesTXShirleyCorneliusNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2008TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
957Bess v. State, No. AP-76377,...MurderTXUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
958Kirk v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
959Moore v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
960Werdlow v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...2005TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
961Hall v. State, 13 S.W.3d 115...Sex crimesTXBarryMachaNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2000TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
962Arias v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
963Rivers v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
964Estell v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2008TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
965Avila v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2004TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
966George v. State, 117 S.W.3d...MurderTXNicoleHabersangNoUKNAppeals courtThe Sixth Court of Appeals of...2003TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
967Orona v. State, 791 S.W.2d...MurderTXTimCurryNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1990TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
968Cooks v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
969Pena v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2005TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 2, 15
970Tilbury v. State, 890 S.W.2d...Violent, otherALUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1994TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 9, 15
971Spray v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2001TR: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 9, 15
972Ex parte Twine, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 9, 15
973Ex parte Peterson, 117 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2003TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 9, 15
974State v. Cabrera, 24 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...2000TR: VouchingDismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 9, 15
975State v. Easton, 123 S.W.3d...Drug crimesTXJohnStrideNo2001Appeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2003TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
976Ex parte Jackson, No....MurderTXRalphGuerreroNo2005Appeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2006TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
977Ex parte Fife, 49 S.W.3d 35...Drug crimesTXKathleenWalshNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2001TR: OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
978Neugebauer v. State, 974...MurderTXJamesFarrenNoUKNAppeals courtThe Seventh Court of Appeals...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
979Fuentes v. State, 664 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXHenryWadeNoUKNAppeals courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1984TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
980Ex parte Masonheimer, 220...MurderTXPatriciaDyerNo2002Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2007PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
981Ex parte Coleman, 350 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...2011TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
982Cloud v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2007TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
983Griggs v. State, 167 S.W.3d...Sex crimesTXSteveKeathleyNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
984Temple v. State, 342 S.W.3d...MurderTXAlanHoustonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2010TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
985Polk v. State, 170 S.W.3d 661...Violent, otherTXBruceIsaacksNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 19, 15
986Wheeler v. State, No....AssaultTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 9th Court of Appeals of...2015TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 15
987Garcia v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...2013TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 28, 15
988Johnston v. State, 917 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1996PT: Brady
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJan 4, 16
989State v. Blanco, 953 S.W.2d...AssaultTXYolandaDe LeonNo1996Appeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1997PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 4, 16
990Cook v. State, 940 S.W.2d 623...MurderTXEdwardMartyNo1978Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1996PT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 4, 16
991Ex parte Mitchell, 853 S.W.2d...MurderTXUKNUKNNo1981Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1993PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 4, 16
992Hennington v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe 11th Court of Appeals of...1999PT: BradyRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 4, 16
994Faulkner v. State, 940 S.W.2d...MurderTXTimCurryNo1996Appeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 11, 16
993Mendoza v. State, 959 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXCrawfordLongNo1994Appeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 11, 16
995Mayberry v. State, 830 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXMichaelSandlinNo1991Appeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1992TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 11, 16
996Everett v. State, 707 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXFelipeReynaNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1986TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 13, 16
997Lomas v. State, 707 S.W.2d...AssaultTXHenryWadeNo1984Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1986TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNJan 13, 16
998Good v. State, 723 S.W.2d 734...Violent, otherTXHenryWadeNo1985Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1986TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 13, 16
999Coggeshall v. State, 961...Sex crimesTXTimCurryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 13, 16
1000Reed v. State, 991 S.W.2d 354...Sex crimesTXTheodoreHakeNo1993Appeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1999TR: MischaracterizingRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 14, 16
1001Baker v. State, No....Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 19, 16
1002Reich-Bacot v. State, 789...MurderTXPatriciaNobleNo1986Appeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1990TR: OtherRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 19, 16
1003Mendoza v. State, 840 S.W.2d...MurderTXLuisSaenzNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1992TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNJan 19, 16
1004Janney v. State, 938 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXKeliRopiNo1994Appeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 19, 16
1005Simpson v. State, 886 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1994TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 19, 16
1006Garcia v. State, 880 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXReneGuerraNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 20, 16
1007Branson v. State, 825 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXH. ToddMcCrayNo1989Appeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1992TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 20, 16
1008Thomas v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: OtherRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 20, 16
1009Trevino v. State, 979 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Third Court of Appeals of...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJan 20, 16
1010Roberts v. State, 800 S.W.2d...MurderTXSteveSimmonsNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1990TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNJan 24, 16
1011Madden v. State, 799 S.W.2d...MurderTXLathamBooneNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 25, 16
1012Martinez v. State, 833 S.W.2d...MurderTXPamelaBerdanierNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 25, 16
1013Burrell v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1998TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNJan 26, 16
1014Sparkman v. State, 968 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXEdwardMartyNo1997Appeals courtThe 12th Court of Appeals of...1997TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 26, 16
1015White v. State, 910 S.W.2d...MurderTXJohnHillmanNoUKNAppeals courtThe 9th Court of Appeals of...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 1, 16
1016Riascos v. State, 792 S.W.2d...MurderTXJ. HarveyHudsonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 1, 16
1017Dickerson v. State, 866...Drug crimesTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1993TR: InflammatoryNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 1, 16
1018Contreras v. State, 822...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 1, 16
1019Bhakta v. State, 981 S.W.2d...MurderTXLynnEllisonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...1998TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 1, 16
1020Blessing v. State, 927 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXJohnSmithNoUKNAppeals courtThe 11th Court of Appeals...1996TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 2, 16
1021Thomas v. State, 811 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXJohnHolmesNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 2, 16
1022Douglas v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1996TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 16
1023Sanders v. State, 787 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 16
1024Denton v. State, 946 S.W.2d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1025Oliva v. State, 942 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXJuliaKlibertNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1997TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1026Ewers v. State, 826 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXGrantJonesNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1027Martinez v. State, 822 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXLuisSaenzNoUKNAppeals courtThe 13th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1028De Los Santos v. State, 918...MurderTXDanielThornberryNoUKNAppeals courtThe 4th Court of Appeals of...1996TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1029Clarke v. State, 785 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXJerryCobbNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1990TR: InadmissibleNew sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1030Ortiz v. State, 999 S.W.2d...UKNTXUKNUKNNoUKNUKNThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1999TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1031Howard v. State, 888 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXJohnSegrestNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...1994TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1032Richards v. State, 912 S.W.2d...MurderTXCarolCameronNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1033Lockett v. State, 744 S.W.2d...AssaultTXJohnHolmes, Jr.NoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1987TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New sentencing hearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1034Robinette v. State, 816...MurderTXLeslieVanceNoUKNAppeals courtThe 11th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1035Scruggs v. State, 782 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXRichardDawsonNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1989TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1036Winland v. State, No....AssaultTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 8, 16
1037Davis v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...1992TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 22, 16
1038Campbell v. State, 900 S.W.2d...Non-violent, otherTXSandyLatelyNoUKNAppeals courtThe 10th Court of Appeals of...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 22, 16
1039Brown v. State, 814 S.W.2d...Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1991TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 23, 16
1040Mercer v. State, 658 S.W.2d...Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1983TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 23, 16
1041Mason v. State, 668 S.W.2d...Attempted murderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1983TR: InadmissibleRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 23, 16
1042Derouselle v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1990TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 7, 16
1043Laca v. State, 893 S.W.2d 171...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 8th Court of Appeals of...1995TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 7, 16
1044Woods v. State, No....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 7th Court of Appeals of...1994TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 16
1045Sanders v. State, 801 S.W.2d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 8th Court of Appeals of...1990TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMar 15, 16
1046State v. Frye, 846 S.W.2d 443...Non-violent, otherTXBrianJohnsonNo1988Appeals courtThe 14th Court of Appeals of...1992GEN: ExtrajudicialDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 21, 16
1047Stahl v. State, 749 S.W.2d...MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1988TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNMar 21, 16
1048Williams v. State, No....Violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2011TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1049Kelly v. State, 903 S.W.2d...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...1995TR: MisstatingRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1050Cole v. State, 194 S.W.3d 538...Drug crimesTXAmandaPetersNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2006TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1051Richardson v. State, No....Sex crimesTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1052Solis v. State, No....AssaultTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 1st Court of Appeals of...2005TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1053Hogues v. State, No....AssaultTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 5th Court of Appeals of...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 16
1054Banks v. Dretke, 540 U.S. 668...MurderTXUKNUKNYes1980Supreme courtThe United States Supreme...2004PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 1, 16
1055Simpson v. State, 119 S.W.3d...MurderTXUKNUKNNo2000Supreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJun 3, 16
1056McMurrough v. State, 995...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd Court of Appeals of...1999TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 6, 16
1057Gomez v. State, 704 S.W.2d...Attempted murderTXUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Texas Court of Criminal...1985TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJun 6, 16
1058Brown v. State, 2002 Tex....MurderTXUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 12th Court of Appeals of...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJun 13, 16
1059People v. Meads, 2015 IL App...MurderILUKNUKNNo2013Appeals courtThe 4th District Appellate...2015TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNJul 25, 16
1060People v. Abadia, 767 N.E.2d...MurderILFabioValentiniNo1999Appeals courtThe 1st District Court of...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 1, 16
1061People v. Mullen, 566 N.E.2d...MurderILUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Illinois Supreme Court...1989TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 1, 16
1062People v. Blue, 724 N.E.2d...MurderILUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe Illinois Supreme Court...2000TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 1, 16
1063People v. Carter, 697 N.E.2d...Drug crimesILUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe 1st District Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Partial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNAug 1, 16
1064People v. Speight, 606 N.E.2d...Violent, otherILUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Illinois Supreme court...1992TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16
1065People v. Whitlow, 433 N.E.2d...Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe Illinois Supreme Court...1982TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16
1069United States ex rel....MurderILLauraMoraskNo1986Appeals courtThe Illinois Northern...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16
1066People v. Aguirre, 684 N.E.2d...Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe 2nd District Court of...1997TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16
1067People v. Thompson, 730...MurderILUKNSextonNo1997Appeals courtThe 1st District Court of...2000TR: ImpugningRemand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16
1068People v. Kidd, 591 N.E.2d...MurderILUKNUKNNo1984Appeals courtThe Illinois Supreme Court...1992TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Remand/New TrialUKNUKNUKNAug 2, 16